Shibari Mermaid (4-inch) For Cheap

An elegant rope design.
A beautiful woman.
A collaboration for the ages!
This wonderful Shibari Mermaid comes to you from MuMoPins and Faksy Art for Sassy Folk, with art by the illustrious Zwitterdraws Art Group. A 4-inch pin complete with glow, pearlescent and screen print, this is one you don t want to miss!
Available in 4 variants:
Ondina (LE 35)
Sapphire (LE 30)
Arielle (LE 20)
Gothicc (LE 15)
[Note: DO NOT BUY THIS PIN IN THE SAME ORDER AS OTHER PINS. If you would like to purchase other pins from this site, make sure to place a separate order. This pin is being shipped from a different location.]
Additional Information
OG | Ondina, Sapphire, Arielle, Gothicc, Complete Set (4 Pins) |